Pamphlet Submission Guidelines:

1. Please submit poetry manuscripts up to 40 A5 size pages.

2. The submission window runs from October 31st to November 30th.

3. We are particularly interested in early career poets. What we mean by that is if you have never had a full collection published by a press we want to read your work.

4. We welcome all submissions but are we are looking for those poems that fit together as a cohesive whole, have been crafted and sweated over and jump off the page ready to burst into life. A magazine/journal track-record is not a prerequisite for publication but it does help to show dedication to craft and commitment.

5. Please include a short biography, including any previous publications. If your poems have appeared in magazines/journals please let us know.

6. Include a title, contents page and page numbers. Please make sure that your poems begin on separate pages.

6. Please make sure your manuscript is formatted to A5 and submit using Palatino font -size 11 for titles, 10 for main text.

7. Submissions are currently only accepted from poets in the UK and Ireland.

8. Simultaneous submissions are accepted, but please withdraw if they are accepted elsewhere.

9. Allow two months after the submission date for a publication decision although we will endeavour to get back to you much quicker than this.

10. Only submissions via the online form will be considered.